Why Need Natural Grass Sport When You Can Have an Artificial One!

Has it ever stuck your mind what can possibly be the fault with a natural grass or turf that wherever you see a grass surface being used, you see an artificial grass surface? Or do you really? The reason is plain and simple. Artificial turfs have taken over with an overwhelming demand considering the vast ocean of advantages they have in practical application. Synthetic Hockey Pitch surface builds and improves the use of game fields approximately up to 50% in a year and helps in making a better and a sustainable surface! It is needless to say that there are different types of artificial surfaces or turfs which are being created and used on a large scale. Some of them include turfs for AFL, athletics, soccer/football, hockey, multisport, rugby and tennis. Besides, there are a lot of problems which arise with natural turfs, and are mentioned below as follows: Problems of having an artificial turf Given the fact that there is a lot of activity which goes...